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Showing posts from May, 2019

Monitoring Memory and Disk Metrics for Amazon EC2 Linux Instances Via AWS CloudWatch

A new multi-platform CloudWatch agent is available. You can use a single agent to collect both system metrics and log files from Amazon EC2 instances and on-premises servers.  The new agent supports both Windows Server and Linux and enables you to select the metrics to be collected, including sub-resource metrics such as per-CPU core.  We recommend you use the new agent instead of the older monitoring scripts to collect metrics and logs. For more information about the CloudWatch agent, see  Collect Metrics from Amazon EC2 Instances and On-Premises Servers with the CloudWatch Agent  in the  Amazon CloudWatch User Guide Package Contents The package for the monitoring scripts contains the following files:  – Shared Perl module that simplifies calling Amazon CloudWatch from other scripts.  – Collects system metrics on an Amazon EC2 instance (memory, swap, disk space utilization) and sends them t...

REDIS SENTINEL  -  High Availability: Everything you need to know from DEV to PROD

What does the term ‘Redis’ actually mean?  It means  RE mote  DI ctionary  S erver. Redis , which is an open source in memory data structure store, is a very popular selection among developers used for caching purposes, as a message broker and also mainly used as a  NoSQL Key-Value database  for different use cases. Additionally, I want to highlight that the  Redis documentation  is very informative and it’s ‘the go to place’ if you need any further clarification on Redis. Moving forward to Redis basics; Redis is a in-memory database, simply which means Redis runs on RAM. Also, you need to know that Redis supports several data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps. Furthermore, it also supports atomic operations such as, appending to a string, incrementing the value in a hash, pushing an element to a list and etc. Well, Let’s get things started with Redis High Ava...